
One Hour Minimum

During this visit, we will carefully inspect your existing plant to ensure they are healthy and thriving. Any signs of pests or damage will be addressed promptly to prevent further issues. If necessary, plants will be repotted with fresh soil, pruned to encourage new growth, and treated with care to promote their well-being.

Cleaning of leaves and removing any dead or yellowing foliage will also be done to keep your plants looking their best.

If needed, plants may be relocated to areas with better light or air circulation, we will rearrange them to create a harmonious and balanced display. While we will provide expertise and labor, the client is kindly asked to supply all potting materials, pots, insecticides, and any other necessary items to ensure the plants receive the best care possible.

Your plants are in good hands with us!

Exotic Indoor & Outdoor Installations

Creation of Small Intimate Spaces

Plant Sourcing


Pest Treatments ( Organic Options Available )



Wellness Checks

Monthly & BiWeekly Maintenance Services

Personal Plant Shopper

Cleaning, Pruning, Polishing


Individual Services

Pricing is based on the  Condition & Quantity of plants & Mixes. All necessary items can be sourced and secured on your behalf.